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Job Alerts & Summer Promotion - August 2021

Alberto Ortega

If you are a regular Aviation Update reader you will know that airlines worldwide have begun their respective recruitment processes. Today we summarise who the major hiring companies are. Make sure you don't miss out on our Summer Promotion! Details are below.

Qatar Airways is the first of the Big 3 Middle East carriers to announce that it is rehiring crew, the airline's recruitment process began back in June when it asked formerly laid off staff to show their interest in coming back in. With Qatar Airways CEO Al Baker keeping his promise of giving those made redundant the first chance to get back to Doha. The process of retraining staff is almost the same in duration as that of a fresh starter, with this in mind, the carrier has also opted to kick start its recruitment process.

With Recruitment dates announced in several European locations in Macedonia, Portugal, Croatia, Africa and the Indian Subcontinent as well as in Doha to name a few, this is exciting news for all those looking for a new role. Click here for more details from the Qatar Airways Careers page.

Emirates Airlines looks to be following the same trend as Qatar Airways, with the airline reportedly also sending its former staff emails in order for them to register their interest in rejoining the airline. Elite Cabin Crew can reveal that the carrier has started considering current flight staff to be promoted from Economy Class to Business Class, this indicates a shortage in Premium cabin staff. The Dubai based carrier had to let over 7000 cabin staff go during the height of the pandemic with a large number of those made redundant coming from the Premium cabins. This also means that the carrier will be needing additional Economy Class Cabin staff, and needing them soon.

Barring exceptional circumstances it is expected that the airline will begin to train new starters before the end of the year. The airline is currently asking aspiring applicants to register their interest in the role on their website.

The Ryanair Group, owners of RyanAir, Lauda and Buzz have announced vacancies across Europe. The Irish Carrier is expecting demand for travel to increase through to the end of the year. Ryanair Director of Human Resources for the group calls the vacancies as "the best cabin crew jobs in aviation". The locations include Prague, Tallinn, Riga, Budapest and Dublin. For more information on these roles please go to Crewlink's official website.

Air Arabia has opened up its Cabin Crew recruitment in Cairo, the Sharjah based airline has a subsidiary in Egypt. With the markets fully open for travel in North Africa, the airline wants to press home its low cost advantage over carriers like Egypt Air, Air Cairo and Fly Egypt. Head to the Air Arabia careers website for more information.



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